Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Krispy Kreme: Manna from Heaven?

Ok, so for all you non-Bible scholars out there, when Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt into the desert for 40 years they didn't think to pack 40 years worth of food...plus how would you carry it if you did think to bring that much? So the Lord rained down bread from heaven everyday....Manna. As a child I had always wondered how someone could eat the same thing day in and out without getting tired of it (which they eventually did). This morning it occurred to me that Manna must be the Biblical term for Krispie Kreme donuts. It only makes sense and I am not sure why I didn't see it before now.

For those of us who live in CT there is only one place to get Krispie Kreme and that is the casino which is an hour away from my house. Before I started my newest weight loss challenge every time Rob and I hit the casino we would bring home 2 dozen donuts and proceed to eat them. Well Rob would be interested for a while and eat about 8-10 then he would leave the rest of them and I would slowly pick them off 1/2 donut at a time till they were all gone. Which didn't take as long as you think...3 or 4 days max.

So Sunday night we went to see Ringo and his All-Star Band at the casino. It was an awesome show. We had such a great time but on our way out the Krispie Kreme monster reared its ugly head. Rob who hasn't started the weight loss challenge with me said lets go get our 2 dozen. I told him I would only eat 2 (which I would then count the point for on Weight Watchers). We proceeded to heatedly discuss how many donuts we should get finally settling on 1 1/2 dozen. The 1st night I was actually able to resist eating any even though it killed me but now we have 2 beautiful white boxes with green polka dots sitting on my counter calling me by name. They mine as well have Las Vegas type neon signs over them that blink EAT ME. So after I had eaten dinner last night I still had 10 pts left. Funny....I thought to myself 2 Krispie Kreme donuts are 10 points. So I broke open the box and poured myself a glass of milk (which I did not have the points for but who can have donuts without milk) and proceeded to chow down. I will admit they were not as good as I had been dreaming. KK is always best fresh and these were 2 days old now but they were still better than any donut you can get in the area. Stepped on the scale this morning and up .4....so up .2 for each donut. I guess .4 is really not that bad for my delicious snack but back on track today. Now that I have had them and they are even more stale I think I can resist.

To summarize my thoughts for the day- I am pretty sure that KK donuts were sent directly from heaven so it only makes sense that they were what the Israelites were eating in the desert...Life couldn't have been that bad for them. God sent his people nothing but bread to eat for 40 years. David may have been the Man after God's own heart in the Bible but I am the girl after God's own appetite.

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!! I don't know about the Isrealites and Krispy Kreme, but I know that when that "hot'sign is and I am passing it is like being drawn to "the light". It's like some alfred hitchcock movie saying "look away, look away". :) I am praying for your success! Exercise a little extra today and that .4 will disappear!
